Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Garden Hates Me

I thought I wasn't watering enough so I watered more, then it seemed I was watering too much. Nothing works and everything looks really sad except 1 pumpkin vine. I think pumpkins like it dry so does that mean I'm not watering enough? Who the heck knows? Here is one of the saddest tomato plants I've ever seen. I had to capture it before it dies completely. I'm afraid if I pick the tomato it's growing I'll take away it's only reason to live.


winna said...

Ohh, can I have that tomato? I love them right from the garden. THis page is so good!

Donn said...

Gee, I thought ours was bad! But love those tomatoes. We did get about 6 of those off our Roma plant.

Dan Kent said...

I wouldn't even try! (Burnt umber thumb), so I give you credit. Poor thing - to be labeled "pathetic". But I love the layout and design and printing.

Alex said...

I think it's a beautiful drawing, and great effort for trying. Better luck next time, my hands aren't exactly green-friendly either -__-;;

Anonymous said...

At least it provided the impetus for a lovely page!

Lynn said...

That really is a sad plant. I have one just like it. I'm going to pick the one ripe tomato and put it out of it's misery. Good for you for finding artistic inspiration in somethingso pathetic.

Danette said...

Well at least it got it's 15 minutes of blogish fame and lots of people commiserating with it's patheticness. So that should make up for it...a bit..I think. Very nice drawing and story!

Gina said...

Thank you! It's good to hear I'm not the only one with the garden woes :)